The bus leaves the stop and moves forward several feet to stop at the red light. When the cross-traffic light turns yellow, he begins to inch out into the intersection. Simultaneous with the turning of his light comes a knock at the door. A man is standing in the middle of the street asking to be let in. The driver grumpily open the door and lets the man in who quickly proclaims, "One more coming!" and waves to the woman on the sidewalk.
At this, the driver reacts with anger: "No no no no no no. That's not how it works!"
He closes the door and drives away, leaving the woman standing about six feet away from the bus in the center of a lane of traffic. The man immediately pulls out his phone to call her with a sort of half-panicked look in his eye. Before the call connects, however, the bus pulls over at the next stop. The man hesitates, stands up, sits down, and stands up again, wondering whether he should get off and go back. In the end, he jumps to his feet and runs off the bus.
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